C.L. Bevill
C.L. Bevill
C.L. Bevill


Urban Fantasy

About the Book

Tavie has just died, but that isn’t the end of her existence. Instead, she ends up “living” in Deadsville, where the dead play games, look for entertainment, and wonder when they will move on.

Reapers walk the streets occasionally, taking “deadies” who are ready to move on. All of that’s normal until two deadies are murdered in a way that the residents of Deadsville have never seen before. They need someone to figure it out before more bad stuff happens. They need Tavie, that is, Detective Tavie, as she was known in the living world.

Tavie isn’t exactly happy about the promotion to Deadsville Sheriff. She sees gods of the dead, people who died in bizarre ways, and is presented with a mystery that requires unusual creativity to solve it. And that’s all before the dust settles from her arrival in the land of the dead. Nothing in Deadsville is ever boring.

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The Details

Published: September 1, 2014
Publisher: C.L. Bevill
Formats: EbookPaperback
ISBN-10: 1502346737 ISBN-13: 978-1502346735 ASIN: B00NFK325W
Genres & Tropes
Urban Fantasy, Fantasy Mystery, Urban Mystery